Tuesday, 20 September 2011

10 Question Quiz about your Organizational Skills

Organizational Skills are really important, without them you'll lose track of the key infomation and when it comes to exam time, poor organization can make revision an absolute nightmare!

So try out our 10 Question Quiz about your Organizational Skills to see how good you are:

Answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions

1. Is your work in a secure folder (ring binder)?
2. Do you have past exam papers and mark schemes?
3. Is your work organised logically into sections?
4. Do you keep a record of all assignments set?
5. Are the notes readable?
6. Is there space between points, headings and sub-headings?
7. Is there a balance of notes to handouts?
8. Are key points highlighted?
9. Are there diagrams/charts/mindmaps/illustrations?
10. Are essays/exercises included?

What score did you get out of 10?
Go back and anything which you said "No" to, you should work on to improve your Organization.

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